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What You Need to Know About FileMaker's New Card Window | MainSpring Reviews

FileMaker 16 is here, and, once again, they're bulking up on the user interface features. New to the platform is a "card" style window. The card window is the true modal window that requires no...

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4 Reasons We Develop Using an Agile Mindset

Developing a custom solution isn’t easy. Sometimes it’s the right choice, and other times it makes more sense to go off-the-shelf. But, when it does make sense, history and industry standards suggest...

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Is Your Organization’s CRM Process Affecting Your Bottom Line?

Quick! Where’s the name, number and email for mister or misses so and so? Every business or organization has institutional knowledge—sometimes referred to as their accounts, clients, customers,...

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ProSuite 101: a Better Approach to IT Services

Whether it’s over coffee or at a conference, I have the same conversations about the information technology (IT) industry with more than 80 CEOs and leaders that I meet with each year. It usually...

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Why You Should Establish a BYOD Policy for Your Business

Progress. If you’re in the business world, you know that how much you make—and how quickly you make it—is often the barometer for success. That doesn’t mean it’s the only way to measure success, but...

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Easily Accept Credit Card Payments in FileMaker with Stripe

This year, at the 2016 annual FileMaker Developer’s conference (DevCon), I presented a session titled E-Payments in FileMaker apps. One of the most popular portions of my session was demonstrating...

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