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AI Automation is Coming to Your Organization - But What Does That Mean?

ChatGPT, Copilot and other AI automation tools are rapidly arriving – but how can your business leverage them effectively? Read on for guidance. It's been less than a year since OpenAI launched...

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Create a Powerful Layout Design in FileMaker

Typically, portals in FileMaker are used for showing related data. However, a portal based on the same table as its layout would simply display the current found set. If you made the portal large...

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Indexing to Improve FileMaker Database Performance

If you are experienced in developing in FileMaker, you know you can create indexes, which are lists of the words or values in a field. FileMaker Pro uses indexes for searching and for joining related...

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Best practices for designing navigations in FileMaker

As a FileMaker developer, sometimes you inherit projects that were not designed by you, and maybe not designed by a professional developer at all. To me, the most obvious telling sign that a database...

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Reviewing the GetLayoutObjectAttribute Function in FileMaker

This versatile function offers quite a bit of value to any developer’s toolkit. It gives us the ability to interrogate the state of different layout objects (also called introspection) which allows...

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Caching Data to Improve Layout Performance in FileMaker

During agile development in FileMaker, sometimes you may notice an unwanted performance difference after adding a new feature, or display a new field to a layout. In this blog, I’d like to address...

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