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You Aren’t Saving What You Thought You Were

Business owners tend to treat their computers a lot like their cars. A large majority of drivers will opt to “drive their car into the ground,” and make it last as long as possible. When replacing...

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4 Minute Read

Can You Save Money by Ignoring Cybersecurity?

Did you know that “CEO” had a different meaning in 1892? Back then, a company required a Chief Electrical Officer to oversee its electricity source due to the absence of a reliable power grid. Times...

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2 Minute Read

Microlearning—Next Generation Training

The rise of technology in our everyday lives has changed (and continues to change) how we communicate. If something’s worth saying, it’s worth saying in 140 characters or less. Why stay up for the 10...

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How to Get Your Money’s Worth from a Consultant

I’ve been with MainSpring for about two years now and frequently meet with a variety of staff at nonprofits, associations and small businesses in the metro area. I’ve met some amazing people, but...

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5 Minute Read

6 Ways Your Small Business Can Stop Being a Big Target

John Ambrose Fleming was set to unveil a wireless technology to the public that was sure to change the way they communicated. After investing his time and effort into planning the demonstration, the...

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3 Minute Read

Training Needs a New Name

Imagine this scenario: You sent your team to a classroom training session for the next three hours to learn how to better use an application. This application is important, and you’re fed up with...

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