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Avoid rejections from your email provider

You’ve come across it once or twice, typically when you need to get that final document sent at the last minute by email. You attach all of the files to your message and hit send. And then almost...

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The Journey of Telecommuting

Like most people, I spend most, if not all, of my worktime on a computer. That’s the key ingredient to knowing whether telecommuting is even an option. One of the advantages of working for MainSpring...

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Get the Whole Story About the Cloud

When businesses first start examining a cloud solution, I am fully prepared for the response that comes without fail—“it’s going to cost too much.” All of the organizations that I know who have...

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10 Tips to Reduce Printing Costs

In business, every decision, policy or process usually results in the creation of a document. Most of these documents are printed at least once during their lifespan, sometimes multiple times. While...

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Virtual Desktops Now an Affordable Option

What if you could save thousands of dollars each year on computer hardware costs? It would be crazy not to at least explore that option, right? I recently talked about reducing costs by moving or...

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Does a Server in the Cloud Fit Your Strategy?

Should your business server reside in the cloud? As we continue our exploration of the cloud in our blog series, we’re helping clients think through the decision by reviewing some key factors. Gene...

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