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Are Donuts After Exercise Like Investing in an IT Plan with Inadequate Cybersecurity?

Why would someone run five miles on a treadmill, sweat through three sets of pushups and a hundred burpees, and then drop by a donut place on the way home from a workout? American psychologist Leon...

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7 Minute Read

5 Questions to Help You Find Better Metrics for Meaningful Reporting

Metrics are an essential aspect of good reporting – they provide visibility into the success of your organization and directions for improvement. Moreover, they align your team towards a common goal...

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3 Minute Read

Why IT Leaders Must Shift to Outcome-based Strategies

Today, businesses know that IT is essential to their mission: with 78% of small business leaders stating that IT is a top investment for them in 2022, Gartner predicts a worldwide IT spend of $4.4...

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1 Minute Read

How Managed Security Service Providers Can Help Protect Against Ransomware

Ray Steen, Chief Strategy Officer of MainSpring was the featured guest for Brilliance Security Magazine's podcast discussing how managed security service providers can help protect against...

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5 Minute Read

Why vCIOs are in Demand, and Here to Stay

Like the role of chief information officer (CIO), the role of virtual CIO (vCIO) is steadily growing – so much so that the term “vCIO” has become a buzzword in some industries, with “real” vCIOs...

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2 Minute Read

Dynamic Column Lists in FileMaker

I recently built an interesting tool for a client, which was based on the requests for having layout after layout of different lists. Some examples were a list for clients and their addresses,...

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