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Getting on the Same Page with Strategic Plans

“What’s the plan?” Those who know me impersonate me with that phrase. I can’t help it. It’s in my blood. As a kid, that’s what I asked my four older sisters when I wanted to be entertained. I do the...

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Can You Save Money by Ignoring Cybersecurity?

Did you know that “CEO” had a different meaning in 1892? Back then, a company required a Chief Electrical Officer to oversee its electricity source due to the absence of a reliable power grid. Times...

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The Training Game

Like many people in my generation, much of my knowledge of the westward expansion of the United States came from playing Oregon Trail. I learned all about the pioneers who braved the gruesome...

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There’s Still Time for Spring Cleaning

Traditionally, we use the seasons to prompt certain actions. In the fall/winter seasons, we are reminded to change the batteries in our smoke detectors and inspect our heating system. In the...

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User Experience Matters—Add a Professional Feel to Your FileMaker App

FileMaker makes it easy to create custom apps that are individually tailored for businesses, and our application development team has had the opportunity to work with some neat solutions that clients...

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Do You Know How Much Fuel You Have?

Your automotive dashboard tracks the key measurements you need to know when taking a road trip. For instance… Your car’s efficiency is noted by your current miles per gallon reading The condition of...

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