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When is it Time to Rebuild Your App?

The reincarnation decision Whether it’s from age, functionality or neglect, all software eventually reaches its end of life. When we approach custom software with a client, we normally will evaluate...

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Understanding FileMaker's Data API

An API (application program interface) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools that specify how software components should interact. The purpose of the FileMaker Data API is to allow web services...

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MVP vs MVP: Minimum Viable Product vs Most Valuable Product

If I were to mention MVP vs MVP, what would be the first thing that comes to mind? For most people, they would be envisioning the greatest rivalries and epic battles in sports history. Perhaps Larry...

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Top 5 Best FileMaker Resources for Developers

I thought it would be helpful to write a blog that other developers can use to see the resources that I use while developing and learning about FileMaker. As a developer with over 10 years of...

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How User Groups Have Made Me a Better Developer

When I started developing at the end of 2013, I was beset with uncertainty. I had just changed careers without any formal education, and my ability to educate myself was paramount to succeeding in...

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Introducing FileMaker as Your Workplace Innovation Platform

FileMaker, Inc. recently adopted a new core message that encapsulates the strength of their software platform and helps business leaders better understand their focus. FileMaker is a Workplace...

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