Top 5 Best FileMaker Resources for Developers

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I thought it would be helpful to write a blog that other developers can use to see the resources that I use while developing and learning about FileMaker. As a developer with over 10 years of experience, I can genuinely testify that these resources are handy whether you’re a beginner, novice or expert.

1. MainSpring's FileMaker blogs

Call it a selfless plug, or call it what you may---but MainSpring developers have a wealth of knowledge. Anytime one of my colleagues has anything to share, I’m all ears. Plus, reviewing and learning new things internally is always fun. We have both blogs and vlogs (video blogs) that touch on a wide range of topics. Some of the blogs even contain example files that you can download and review for free! Check them out (and subscribe to our blog) here.

2. Modular FileMaker

If you’re developing a popular complex feature, you would want to check this site out first. Modular FileMaker has a library of pre-made solutions that you can download for free and that are easily portable to your own solution.

I’ve had great success implementing the MailChimp, Browser Navigation and Card Placer modules to name a few. Check out their blog here.

3. Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FileMaker has a convenient library of scripts steps for our disposal, but we’re in the business of custom development, and sometimes, that is not enough. In such cases, we’re able to develop our own custom functions.

Brian Dunning’s FileMaker Custom Functions allows you to search and share custom functions as needed. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve incorporated a custom function from this site into my solution. If you haven’t discovered this site already, I’m sure you’ll find it useful as well. Check it out here.

4. FileMaker Hacks

What is a list without some sort of “hack” site now a days? It seems like there’s a site for cooking hacks, camping hacks, fishing hacks, etc... Of course, FileMaker is no different.

This site is dedicated to providing us all sorts of FileMaker tips & tricks. It’s also a great learning tool for all, as their posts contains useful example files. Check it out here.

5. FileMaker Magazine

If you’re a fan of video tutorials, then this site is for you. FileMaker Magazine has a huge library of videos dating back as far as 2003! As an extra bonus, some of their postings will contain an example file, as well.