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Create a Powerful Layout Design in FileMaker

Typically, portals in FileMaker are used for showing related data. However, a portal based on the same table as its layout would simply display the current found set. If you made the portal large...

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Reviewing the GetLayoutObjectAttribute Function in FileMaker

This versatile function offers quite a bit of value to any developer’s toolkit. It gives us the ability to interrogate the state of different layout objects (also called introspection) which allows...

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Caching Data to Improve Layout Performance in FileMaker

During agile development in FileMaker, sometimes you may notice an unwanted performance difference after adding a new feature, or display a new field to a layout. In this blog, I’d like to address...

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Sorting Portals Dynamically Using FileMaker

A common feature I like to provide on my FileMaker list view layouts is clickable headers that sort records based on that column. Realistically, you don’t always have the luxury of being in a simple...

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When to Think About Abstraction

Sometimes you can benefit from a method called abstraction where you use what’s called “indirection.” Indirection is a way that you can automatically iterate through a series of steps like set...

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Naming Files through Scripting in FileMaker

Choosing the Name From exporting data to excel sheets to custom print layouts, automated naming for exported files can help with organization and create a more professional look. The first thing to...

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