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FileMaker 13 & 14 WebDirect Security Patch

Even though FileMaker 16 is the current version, MainSpring has supported clients with WebDirect servers since it was released in version 13, and FileMaker server 14 will be supported until September...

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The Top 15 FileMaker Features Over 15 years

Recently, our Central Ohio FileMaker User Group (COFMUG) celebrated 15 years of gathering together to network, learn, grow and develop FileMaker. In honor of the milestone, we looked back at the top...

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How to Update FileMaker Mobile Solutions Offline

A common request that we receive from users is to have the ability to use an iOS FileMaker solution offline and sync it back with the server later. There could be a number of reasons for this...

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2015 Resolutions, Filemaker-style

Now that 2015 has rung in here in Columbus, Ohio, it’s unfortunately followed by a cold, dreary rainstorm instead of the usual snow. Last year was a remarkable for Anvil Dataworks and now we’re...

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Dynamic Views in Modern FileMaker

Prior to FileMaker 13 you would use tab controls to create a dynamic view, a section of a layout that changes based on some condition or action. The premise was simple: name each tab in the position...

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Enabling WebDirect URL Parameters

With FileMaker Server 13.0v2, the ability to pass parameters via a URL to WebDirect was disabled, with the exception of the homeurl parameter. It’s important to understand that this was done for...

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