Enabling WebDirect URL Parameters

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With FileMaker Server 13.0v2, the ability to pass parameters via a URL to WebDirect was disabled, with the exception of the homeurl parameter.

It’s important to understand that this was done for security purposes, even though this stranded a few developers that converted IWP solutions to WebDirect and had counted on these parameters. While most developers have adapted to the changes, the ability to pass parameters is still essential for Web-based solutions.

In September, a developer posted on FileMaker TechNet asking for help with WebDirect URLs. Our team collaborated with Mike Duncan from Soliant and Steve Senft-Herrera to devise a solution to re-enable URL parameters.

We've re-opened the stargate for passing parameters via URL into WebDirect. Follow the process that we used to get from a discussion concept to working method, and where this method can take us in the future for integrating WebDirect to other websites.

The concept is fairly simple:

  • Use a PHP page to gather the parameters in memory
  • Redirect the user to WebDirect
  • Read the parameters from memory

I presented this solution at Pause on Error in October and I'm happy to once again share it with you here. Please download the demo files. If you have trouble installing or implementing the solution into your own WebDirect system, please contact us, or post in this blog’s comments section.