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4 Reasons Why Location Matters When Using the Cloud

Recently, I was asked why “geo”, or location, matters in relation to the cloud. As computing infrastructure transitions away from in-house hardware to cloud computing, there are key points to...

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Be Tech Ready Before the Snowstorm

Northeasterners, are you ready for the impending snowstorm? The latest indications are that the weather will not be a major impact on Friday, but with some areas getting upwards of two feet of snow...

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Get the Whole Story About the Cloud

When businesses first start examining a cloud solution, I am fully prepared for the response that comes without fail—“it’s going to cost too much.” All of the organizations that I know who have...

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Is Cloud Printing a Good Idea?

As more and more of our business and personal applications continue to move to the cloud, printing from these cloud-based applications is sometimes an afterthought. That is until the moment it...

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Helpful Office 365 Tips and Hints

The Office 365 platform has become a very popular option for companies to take their first steps into using the power of the cloud. Hosted email is the backbone of the online suite, powered by...

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Tech Tricks and Treats

It’s hard to believe that we’ve reached the end of October. That time of the year when daylight is disappearing, stores are decorated with cobwebs, spiders and skeleton bones. Pumpkins are carved...

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