Be Tech Ready Before the Snowstorm

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Hand writing be preparedNortheasterners, are you ready for the impending snowstorm? The latest indications are that the weather will not be a major impact on Friday, but with some areas getting upwards of two feet of snow there could be residual impact felt at the start of next week. Before you head out for the weekend, here are a few tips for you and your employees.

  1. Test your remote access this evening. Make sure that you are able to access what you need if you are unable to make it to the office.
  2. If you are a laptop user, make sure that you have a power cord and that your laptop is fully charged
  3. Save often if working from home. You never know when power or Internet could drop on you during an event like this. Make sure to save your work frequently to avoid data loss.
  4. In the event that you lose power, your mobile phone can still keep you connected to email. Make sure that you have a portable charger for your phone and other portable devices.
  5. Be prepared. If your office is not working from the cloud, there are risks of power outages that could potentially shut the office network down. Make sure that you have an offline copy of the important files that you may need to access.
  6. Make sure that you know all of the passwords that you need or reset them prior to leaving for the weekend

If you're a MainSpring client, please remember that we're here to help. We're set up to continue operating through this type of event with hosted resources and staffing in multiple locations throughout the U.S. We will still be monitoring and available to help you through the worst of it. Remind your staff to not be silent sufferers. If you or your team have an issue or a question, remember to use the ProSuite Support Center icon to submit a service request. If you need assistance outside of business hours, make sure that you have our after-hours contact number handy.

Stay safe.
