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Tech Lead Paves New Way to Develop Applications

Restructuring—no matter how big or small—can be a tough transition. It takes time, money and effort from the entire team—and, ultimately, every part of the business is re-examined. The spotlight...

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From Filling Shoes to Creating a Legacy

Being the “new guy” on the job isn’t easy—you have a new team of colleagues to get to know, as well as a new set of company procedures to learn and follow. This role becomes even harder, though, when...

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MainSpring supports Toys for Tots in Frederick

In December 2017, MainSpring once again participated in some holiday giving. Because of the move to Frederick in early 2017, MainSpring chose another way to give back by supporting Toys for Tots and...

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MainSpring supports DCCK at their annual Capital Food Fight

MainSpring is proud to support their client, D.C. Central Kitchens (DCCK), at their annual Capital Food Fight. In 2017, this event raised over $600,000, which is used to continue to combat hunger and...

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Comeback Player Wins Employee of the Quarter Honors

About nine years ago, if you asked MainSpring Senior Systems Administrator Bryan Hunt where his career was heading, he probably would’ve said something along the lines of “moving on to the next...

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Star Employees Help Improve Benefits and IT Compliance

If anyone asked me, what’s MainSpring’s most valuable asset?—without hesitation, I’d say it’s the people of MainSpring. The culture they inspire not only creates a legacy of success for themselves,...

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