Tech Lead Paves New Way to Develop Applications

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Restructuring—no matter how big or small—can be a tough transition. It takes time, money and effort from the entire team—and, ultimately, every part of the business is re-examined. The spotlight rests on an organization’s processes: who does what, who talks to who and how everything fits together.

Couple that with exponential team growth, and you’ll find you have a real mess on your hands.

…That is, unless you have someone like Ryan Klenk, MainSpring’s application development team’s technical lead.

Ryan Klenk

Taking initiative

Despite already having a unique and innovative approach to development, MainSpring’s Application Development team knew they wanted to further improve their clients’ development experience. So, they established a simplified way of doing development, called AMP Pro, that puts clients and their needs at the front of the line. In effect, they also created a junior developer career path to attract the D.C. metro area’s best young developers to help fuel the new initiative.

With so much on the table, Ryan Klenk jumped right in—focusing on capturing existing processes, recording new ones and documenting coding standards. As a champion of the new AMP Pro subscription service, Ryan recognized the predictability of development through subscription and wasted no time introducing the service to his clients to help move their development needs to the front of the line.

Simultaneously, he streamlined MainSpring’s recruiting process for junior developers, helping hire more qualified candidates to fulfill the needs of the new AMP Pro initiative. What’s more, he’s spent copious time mentoring these new junior developers and has established training milestones, which, ultimately, have helped pave their career path.

Predictable process delivers predictable results

Restructuring tends to shift processes around from person to person; however, with Ryan’s tenacious, process-driven approach, he’s helped his team take full ownership over their job roles, while also providing them with somewhere to turn when they need help. Making this essential information accessible has made the transition easier, and Ryan and his team are poised to better assist clients with their development needs.