From Filling Shoes to Creating a Legacy

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Being the “new guy” on the job isn’t easy—you have a new team of colleagues to get to know, as well as a new set of company procedures to learn and follow. This role becomes even harder, though, when you’re the guy who’s hired to replace a beloved, former employee of many years. Talk about some big shoes to fill…

In December of 2016, Joe Wilk found himself in this exact situation when he was hired at MainSpring as a systems engineer to replace a retired, longtime workhorse in the tight-knit Support Centre crew. However, despite the pressure, Joe has been proactive about learning MainSpring’s systems and its clients since day one.

According to his teammates, he has stepped into his new role with poise and confidence, and hasn’t been afraid to give his opinion on process improvements and challenges that he’s faced along the way. Joe has consistently sought opportunities to improve the function of the Support Centre, and because of this, he’s become an important member of the team and an integral part in supporting MainSpring’s hundreds of end users on a day-to-day basis. This last quarter, though, Joe has really shown his very best.

Joe Wilk, Employee of the Quarter

Last quarter, MainSpring signed seven new IT managed services (ProSuite) clients to its arsenal. While that’s great for business, the onboarding succession inevitably introduced a high level of the unknown to the MainSpring team and to new clients, making the client’s first encounter with the Support Centre even more crucial.

Nevertheless, Joe owned this challenge by taking responsibility for many of the initial interactions with clients’ senior leadership, making a great first impression. What’s more, not only has Joe received an influx of positive feedback from end users, clients have also consistently praised his level of care and commitment to their missions, calling attention to Joe’s exceptional professionalism.

Joe has shown ProSuite clients that they made the right choice in partnering with MainSpring for IT strategy and support. His commitment to excellence has not only elevated the quality of support that clients receive, but it’s also paved the way for his own legacy of success as part of the MainSpring team.

Thank you, Joe!