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Customize Drop-down Menus in FileMaker to Improve UX

Drop-down menus are an important user interface component in our toolbox. They offer a quick and simple way to view a list of values, and then pick the one you need. Drop-down menus operate on the...

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There’s Still Time for Spring Cleaning

Traditionally, we use the seasons to prompt certain actions. In the fall/winter seasons, we are reminded to change the batteries in our smoke detectors and inspect our heating system. In the...

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Use Barcodes to IOmprove Efficiency and Accuracy in Your Business

Last year at the annual FileMaker Developer’s (DevCon 2015) conference, I presented a session on the technical side of integrating barcoding technologies into a FileMaker custom app. We see such a...

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User Experience Matters—Add a Professional Feel to Your FileMaker App

FileMaker makes it easy to create custom apps that are individually tailored for businesses, and our application development team has had the opportunity to work with some neat solutions that clients...

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Passwords: Zombies of the Internet?

It seems there is a near constant evolution that takes place in regards to technology. Notable breakthroughs seem to happen in the industry every year, as consumerism empowers companies to spend...

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Custom Software: How to Get it Right

Over the course of the last ten-plus years of my career in custom application development consulting, I’ve played various roles in approximately 400 individual projects with different scopes, goals...

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