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Managing Your Business’s Social Media Risk

We all have social media accounts. Team MainSpring posts regularly on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The posts are part of our monthly plan to share advice on IT security and productivity tips. But...

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Checklist: Offboard Employees Right and Reduce Your Risk

As many organizations have settled into Work From Home (WFH), the discussion has shifted to risk management, task organization, and budget-saving ideas. This blog, "The employee offboard checklist,"...

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The Cost of Cybersecurity

As I write this blog, British Airways was slapped today with a $25.9 million fine in the UK for a 2018 cyber-attack affecting over 400 thousand people. It took British Airways over two months to...

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11 Ways to Secure Corporate Data – MainSpring’s Checklist

Since 1993, a priority of MainSpring is to provide clients with the infrastructure to secure their corporate data. This year, with the surge of WFH (Work from Home), it is time to audit existing...

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Why Passwords (Still) Matter

The greatest asset your company owns and manages is data. Customer, distribution and sales data is critical to your future. There are many ways to protect your assets. Still, the most straightforward...

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Onboarding a New Work-from-home Employee

Are you preparing to hire new employees that will work from home (WFH) for the foreseeable future? Just like onboarding new on-site employees, the first 15 days are critical. Sure, the onboarding...

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