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Do You just Back Up, or Do You Protect Your Data?

I ran into an issue not too long ago where I found myself in need of some major car repairs. Fortunately, my warranty covers a free loaner car while it’s being serviced, so the overall experience...

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4 Minute Read

Can You Save Money by Ignoring Cybersecurity?

Did you know that “CEO” had a different meaning in 1892? Back then, a company required a Chief Electrical Officer to oversee its electricity source due to the absence of a reliable power grid. Times...

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5 Minute Read

There’s Still Time for Spring Cleaning

Traditionally, we use the seasons to prompt certain actions. In the fall/winter seasons, we are reminded to change the batteries in our smoke detectors and inspect our heating system. In the...

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4 Minute Read

Passwords: Zombies of the Internet?

It seems there is a near constant evolution that takes place in regards to technology. Notable breakthroughs seem to happen in the industry every year, as consumerism empowers companies to spend...

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6 Ways Your Small Business Can Stop Being a Big Target

John Ambrose Fleming was set to unveil a wireless technology to the public that was sure to change the way they communicated. After investing his time and effort into planning the demonstration, the...

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2 Minute Read

Avoid the Latest Ransomware Locky

The latest cyber scam to hit businesses and organizations alike is called Locky. Yes, even cyber criminals lack creativity once in a while. As the article from Naked Security by Sophos describes,...

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