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Caching Data to Improve Layout Performance in FileMaker

During agile development in FileMaker, sometimes you may notice an unwanted performance difference after adding a new feature, or display a new field to a layout. In this blog, I’d like to address...

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2020 Lessons Learned During COVID-19

At MainSpring, we are looking back at 2020. I can think of a long list of words to describe an unforgettable year. What started as a booming economy turned into turbulence by March 2020. Our team...

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Sorting Portals Dynamically Using FileMaker

A common feature I like to provide on my FileMaker list view layouts is clickable headers that sort records based on that column. Realistically, you don’t always have the luxury of being in a simple...

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When to Think About Abstraction

Sometimes you can benefit from a method called abstraction where you use what’s called “indirection.” Indirection is a way that you can automatically iterate through a series of steps like set...

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Inspire 2021: Create a Plan to Inspire WFH Employees

Trends change. I’m writing this blog in November 2020, and trend watchers estimate that ten years’ worth of change has been compressed into the last nine months. Our kids are learning (or struggling)...

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The Cost of Cybersecurity

As I write this blog, British Airways was slapped today with a $25.9 million fine in the UK for a 2018 cyber-attack affecting over 400 thousand people. It took British Airways over two months to...

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