What’s New with FileMaker 16?

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FileMaker 16 is here, and it brings a number of exciting improvements to the FileMaker platform. From my perspective, here’s some of the most important features…

Integration improvements

  • FileMaker 16 now features a REST Data API, which greatly simplifies the ability for other applications to pull data from FileMaker. The REST Data API is currently available as part of a free trial until September 2018.
  • Improved cURL and JSON functions allow for FileMaker to natively request and parse data from other applications. This replaces the need for using a plugin to perform these functions.
  • OAuth 2.0 support allows FileMaker solutions to be authenticated with Microsoft Azure, Google or Amazon accounts

PDF improvements

  • PDFs can now be generated using the FileMaker WebDirect interface. This was a major limitation for many users and we now have a seamless native solution for PDF generation.
  • Along with the WebDirect support, PDFs can now be generated as a server side script. For processing complex PDFs, or simply automating tasks, this is an extremely useful addition.

User interface updates

  • There is no more Application wrapper window when running FileMaker Pro on Windows. Windows users can now spawn multiple, independent windows, greatly improving their user experience.
  • A new user interface (UI) element, card windows, has been added. Card windows are the next evolution in modal dialog elements in an application interface. Our FileMaker expert, Mike Beargie, further explores this feature here.
  • FileMaker Go on iOS devices now features Animations, Transitions, and an improved signature capture interface

Performance and scalability

  • FileMaker 16 is the most performant version of FileMaker, ever. There have been a number of improvements throughout the platform that will ultimately help improve the overall user experience (UX) and functionality of the tool. (More to come on these later).
  • The FileMaker Server now supports up to 500 Pro and Go connections
  • FileMaker WebDirect can now support up to 500 users with a multiple machine deployment (100 WebDirect connections per machine)

MainSpring is excited to start implementing these new features in our work, and we’ll be continuing to publish articles around the new enhancements in the FileMaker platform. To stay up-to-date on these, be sure to subscribe to our FileMaker Community blog!

Also, if you’d like to learn more about what these new features mean for your application, reach out to MainSpring, so we can help you use these tools to craft your vision.
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