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Beargie to Speak at FileMaker Conference in New Orleans

Next week, renowned FileMaker speaker and developer, Mike Beargie, will travel down to Le Pavillon hotel in New Orleans, La. to speak at the Pause on Error conference, hosted by the Women of...

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How to Build an Alert in FileMaker 16 in Five Minutes

In this vlog, we cover building a simple alert (or dialog) in FileMaker 16 in about five minutes. Creating an alert using this tutorial allows for more flexibility, both in terms of appearance as...

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FileMaker 13 & 14 WebDirect Security Patch

Even though FileMaker 16 is the current version, MainSpring has supported clients with WebDirect servers since it was released in version 13, and FileMaker server 14 will be supported until September...

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How to Add Value to Your FileMaker App using Progressive Lists

One of the more common requests we get when building custom applications is the addition of a progressive value list. A progressive value list is something you may see more often than you...

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The Top 15 FileMaker Features Over 15 years

Recently, our Central Ohio FileMaker User Group (COFMUG) celebrated 15 years of gathering together to network, learn, grow and develop FileMaker. In honor of the milestone, we looked back at the top...

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4 Reasons You Should Move off of FileMaker Shared Hosting

FileMaker hosting companies have traditionally made a great entry point for businesses to move their FileMaker hosting from peer-to-peer or small office servers into an internet-accessible and...

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