MainSpring's 2018 FileMaker DevCon Speaker Session Lineup

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This year, the 23rd FileMaker Developers Conference (DevCon) will be held August 6-9 at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas. FileMaker DevCon is the largest gathering of FileMaker developers worldwide, with around 1500 people who participate yearly.

MainSpring's speaker session lineup

Our esteemed developer, Mike Beargie, will be presenting two sessions and participating in two roundtable sessions, as well. This will be his fourth consecutive year presenting at DevCon.

FileMaker Training Day: FileMaker Shared Hosting Master Class

On Monday, August 6 at 1 p.m., Mike will be presenting a 3.5-hour training day course. This course will cover everything that developers need to know about hosting FileMaker apps to their users. This master class is designed to teach everything required to set up a FileMaker Server or FileMaker Cloud instance from start to finish. He’ll be compressing a few hundred pages of documentation into a few hours of training.

Here are the key points that will be covered:
  1. Three ways to host FileMaker files
  2. Licensing and scaling up to 500 users
  3. Security with SSL installs
  4. AWS administration for FileMaker Cloud setup
  5. Ports and firewalls
  6. Troubleshooting
  7. Using the command line utility and the FileMaker Admin API to control your server

FileMaker Custom Web Publishing User Group

On Monday, August 6 at 5 p.m., Mike will be giving a quick demo to the FileMaker CWP User Group about tying into FileMaker with the Laravel platform to perform data processing queues. Join him for the 12th annual show-and-tell of custom web publishing techniques, tips and ideas. This is a friendly, informal opportunity to see demonstrations by fellow CWP developers. (All web-related tools and technologies are relevant).

FileMaker Security in the Modern Ecosystem

On Wednesday, August 8 at 1 p.m., Mike will be presenting an hour-long session covering FileMaker Security and its role in the modern security ecosystem.

Session description

Data is worth its weight in gold, and the modern battlefront is digital. You’ve heard the news of frequent hacks, breaches, and security exploits at every level of computing; but are you ignoring your own data? Using the latest security features from FileMaker, we’ll discuss how to secure your apps, servers and clients against common threats in today’s modern computing landscape. The session will wrap up with a special focus on securing cloud based servers, such as AWS FileMaker Cloud instances.

Recommended background

Attendees should already be familiar with installing FileMaker server.

Session objectives
  • Discuss the dangers of insecurity and terminology to identify possible threats
  • Discover available security features of FileMaker to easily secure servers and files
  • Use methodology to add security testing to your existing development environment
  • Extend security to cloud based servers with virtual services

FileMaker User Group Summit

On Thursday, August 9 at 1 p.m., Mike will be participating in the FileMaker User Group Summit, giving a short presentation about the COFMUG FileMaker User Group he helps run in Columbus, Ohio.

Connecting with local FileMaker developers is a great way to share ideas, learn as a group, build contacts and create business relationships. User groups across the world hold regular meetups. Come network with other group leaders and members to learn how to partner with FileMaker, Inc. to promote your events, recruit speakers, as well as the best practices for growing your group membership.