DevCon Bucket List

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The FileMaker community is always abuzz with excitement about DevCon. FileMaker delivered their piece by giving us all something new to use in their timely release of FileMaker Go! Being as there is much to see and do, we at Anvil Dataworks are taking it upon ourselves to act as your guide and provide you with a quick list for what to see and do. Protective devices may be required.

Politely attend the Keynote
Based on last year’s Burning Man presentation, look for this year’s event to be toned down considerably. It’s pretty safe to say that the ‘Note will be limited to Andy LeCates speed demos and bubble charts. Bottles, cans, cameras, and recording devices will probably not be allowed.

Hang at the Sunday Night Welcome Reception
The reception is a great opportunity to meet your peers, competition and customers. The key to this event is to find out who is going back to their room to develop late night for a client and get their drink tickets. Passing out drink tickets to potential clients has been a proven effective technology.

Get a copy of the ‘Hockey Database’
Who doesn’t like hockey? Ice, sticks, and shots almost make it sound more like a drink than a sport. Our good friends from FileMaker Canada have created one of THE most comprehensive hockey databases shy of the NHL. If you need to settle a bet, this is the tool for you.

Mob the unconference sessions
These sessions fill early and often. Make sure that you check out the boards outside of the sessions to get your seat. Watch as the titans of the FileMaker development community discuss issues that affect us all. If a heated debate erupts…all the better.

Participate in a Jam Session
This is the FileMaker communities’ version of <insert country here>’s Got Talent. It’s very insightful to see who can play all of ABBA’s greatest hits. (Not that we have anything against ABBA) Everyone is invited, attire is casual, and if you have any rhythm, you too can play cowbell. But please, for all of us, pull your shirt down.

Go see Pandas
Well, this really has nothing to do with DevCon, but since you are out there, you might as well see them. There are only two places in the states to see Pandas, San Diego and Washington DC. It’s doubtful that DevCon would ever come to an unbearably hot and humid place like Washington DC in the summertime…wait a minute. The line is always long, but if you hang out by the entrance, you can catch a glimpse of them.

After party at the Lobby/The Pool
It’s fairly safe, based on scientific observations throughout the last 15 years of DevCon that attendees like to party. But unfortunately, bars like to close. What is one to do when those two vectors collide? Head for the lobby or the pool. It’s a sure fire way to keep the night going and meet more conference-goers. Gossip, technical exchange, and general tomfoolery will keep you entertained until the next day’s sessions.

Chat with your BAM
This is a great time to get to know your BAM. We couldn’t do what we do without our BAM, Jason Fiske. Just don’t start any of your sentences with, “Do you know what FileMaker should do…”?

Meet AudreyRae
This is THE most prolific FileMaker tweeter in the history of tweeting. If you are reading this, it’s probably because Audrey locked on and sent you here. If you aren’t following her, you should be.  She is the Penn Station of FileMaker information in the 140-character format. Perhaps we should start physically following her around in DevCon as well? Nah. too much like stalking.

Get back to work
Now that your head is full of all of this FileMaker goodness, get back on the horse that you rode in on and create some great apps. We all know that 80% of small businesses use an Excel spreadsheet as their back office system, CRM, and order tracking. Go connect with your world.