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Articles by Chuck Melton

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What’s New with FileMaker 16?

FileMaker 16 is here, and it brings a number of exciting improvements to the FileMaker platform. From my perspective, here’s some of the most important features… Integration improvements FileMaker 16...

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Putting Mobile Devices to Work

Mobile devices have become a ubiquitous part of our everyday lives, yet many companies are still struggling to leverage their advantages in the workforce. Mobile application development is one of the...

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When Does Custom Software Make Sense?

With the wide array of off-the-shelf software products, the idea of custom software is something that many businesses don’t consider. It’s true that custom software usually carries a higher initial...

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7 Basic FileMaker Tips

I often work with casual FileMaker developers and there are some common yet simple issues I commonly come across that I wanted to share: After creating a record, it’s not possible to go to related...

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