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5 Ways to Revive Employee Giving

After 22 years in business, it’s tough to break old habits. But when we changed to MainSpring in February, we took the opportunity to reevaluate our community outreach efforts. We went with a...

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On a Journey to Give Back

Every company struggles to prioritize their annual spending, always with an eye toward return on investment. Trying to determine when the right time to add wellness initiatives to your budget can be...

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MainSpring Consultants Win Wellness, Innovation Honors

For the ninth year in a row, I’m proud to share the news that MainSpring, Inc., earned the Alliance for Workplace Excellence (AWE) Seal of Approval Award, as well as the Health & Wellness and...

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From a Warehouse to a Wellness Program

Each January our company gathers as a whole to reflect on the year that was and plan for the year ahead. But this January was especially different. We weren’t just planning for 2015. We were...

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Marshall Micheals III: Leading Through Legacy

CEO Marshall Micheals talks about why the company exists and the legacy the firm is creating through its core values and employees.

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