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On a Journey to Give Back

Every company struggles to prioritize their annual spending, always with an eye toward return on investment. Trying to determine when the right time to add wellness initiatives to your budget can be...

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D.C. FileMaker User Group May 28, special topic

On Thursday, May 28, Ronnie Rios and Gianine Campbell from FileMaker will be presenting a special topic to the D.C. Users Group. In order to RSVP for the May 28 event, keep up to date with future...

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Pay It Forward, Mentor

If you’re new to a profession or wear multiple hats at your company, one of the best ways to learn and improve your skills is to find a mentor. I had several mentors early in my career as a FileMaker...

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MainSpring Consultants Win Wellness, Innovation Honors

For the ninth year in a row, I’m proud to share the news that MainSpring, Inc., earned the Alliance for Workplace Excellence (AWE) Seal of Approval Award, as well as the Health & Wellness and...

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Upcounty contractor renamed to reflect company’s evolution

Upcounty contractor renamed to reflect company’s evolution, firm now called MainSpring.

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From a Warehouse to a Wellness Program

Each January our company gathers as a whole to reflect on the year that was and plan for the year ahead. But this January was especially different. We weren’t just planning for 2015. We were...

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