I recently finished reading one of my book club picks, The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom (you may remember Albom as the author of the very popular memoir, Tuesdays with Morrie). This book quickly rose to the top as one of my all-time favorites. The story line was enticing, and it left me with a new perspective on life.
In Presto, the spirit of Music is the persona who narrates the journey of its most beloved disciple, Frankie Presto, a Spanish war orphan with amazing guitar skills who travels the world and has a profound impact on the many lives he touches. The book challenges readers to think about the people in life who help shape your passions, decisions and legacy. And, in this story, they are referred to as "bands."
The piece that resonated most with me was how Frankie’s life was impacted by the “bands” he formed throughout his journey. “Everyone joins a band in this life,” Albom observes, “be it through music, family, friends, or work. And those connections change the world.”
Because of this book, I now consider the many “bands” in my life and how they’ve impacted the choices I’ve made and the path I’ve taken. Do you know who the important bands are in your life? I could certainly tell story after story about my family and friends’ “bands,” but I’d like to focus on my work “band.”
Many times throughout my 20 years with MainSpring, I have said that I wish I could bottle and sell the passion I see exhibited day-in and day-out. I am inspired by my co-workers' continuous strive for excellence, their caring approach to our clients and each other, and the on-going brainstorming on how to deliver our service better. The average tenure of our employees is six years, so I have to believe they enjoy their work “band” too!
I've also had the good fortune of belonging to several professional network bands; these include groups of like-minded business owners and executives who have graciously shared their insights, struggles and ideas—all of which has helped facilitate my own personal growth.
So, consider who’s in your “band.” Are they helping you grow? Assisting with the legacy you’d like to leave behind? Or, overall, just making you feel good?
If not, I’d consider forming a new “band”—you deserve it.
Oh, and the picture below? That’s my work band taking care of me on my birthday.