When Support is More than a Help Desk

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MainSpring is an IT strategy and consulting firm. If we were chatting, and I said “support,” you might automatically picture a help desk. And we certainly do have an amazing Support Centre that provides exactly that.

But sometimes, your customers need a bit more support; and we've had the unique opportunity to offer just that...

Supporting the customer

For the last decade, MainSpring has proudly partnered to support the Army’s Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) program.

MC4 integrates and fields the Army’s capability to digitally capture medical treatment data in operational environments, enhancing the continuity of care and enabling comprehensive, lifelong, electronic health records for service members.

With the diverse experience of our consultants, MainSpring is able to support MC4 in all areas of its mission. On our staff, we have:

  • A clinician to assist with engineering development and liaison with medical provider end users
  • IT engineers to integrate the MC4 system’s software onto the Army’s hardware
  • Technical writers to document system specifications and create software manuals
  • Training developers to create classroom and online training materials
  • Trainers to work with units and individual soldiers ensuring they are able to use their systems efficiently
  • Network administrators to help units set up, maintain and troubleshoot their MC4 systems

Because MC4 was established to capture medical treatment data for deployed soldiers, supporting the mission means that our consultants need to have boots on the ground with our customers. That way, if a deployed medical provider has a problem with the MC4 system, we are able to solve the challenge and get it back online quickly.

To ensure that we provide the best possible support, teams of MC4 trainers and network administrators are stationed with our military customers in deployed environments, allowing them to provide immediate assistance.

This means months away from family, friends and home. The "typical" deployment rotation for our consultants is six months, though sometimes they are on-site for a year at a time. It's a sacrifice, and not one that any of us take lightly.

Supporting our people

Here at MainSpring, we know that it’s not enough to support our customers—we also have to support each other. We know how important it is to look out for those in our work band, and some of our people are in for a long, hot summer supporting the MC4 mission.

So, in April, we set up a collection in our main office in Maryland and invited all of our employees to donate items to help make the interminable summer a little easier for our deployed team supporting the Army’s MC4 mission.

…And they did.

In typical MainSpring style, they donated in a big way. Drink powder, sunscreen, snacks, candy, gum—32 pounds’ worth of goodies—all contributed by MainSpringers in support of their colleagues.

This is what sets MainSpring apart. This is what it’s like to work with a group of people who are all invested in each other and in the firm’s heart and vision.

This is our brand of support.