FREDERICK, MD - March 5, 2021: The U.S. Army has awarded MainSpring, Inc., in partnership with CACI International, the opportunity to continue to support the U.S. Army’s Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) program via a $96 Million Task Order. Under the task order, awarded under the GSA Alliant 2 contract vehicle, medical record software will be integrated and deployed to the front lines.
Tactical medical information management and information technology (IT) will deliver operational healthcare and patient documentation in real-time to any deployed Army location. MainSpring looks forward to working with the CACI team on this three-year effort. Together, the effort will ensure that U.S. soldiers' medical care is handled accurately, effectively, and efficiently.
”Serving the military community for more than two decades, we understand how important technology, security and innovation are to improving the health of service members,” said Tom Keller, MainSpring President.
About the Author

Ray Steen is the Chief Financial Officer & Chief Strategy Officer for MainSpring and has been with the firm since 2014. With over 25 years of experience in strategy, consulting and communications, his expertise arms clients with the strategies, tools and resources to meet their mission. Ray is a proud dad and coach of 5 kids, a fantasy sports nut and bleeds for the Chicago Bears and Boston Celtics.