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Ray Steen

About Ray Steen

Ray Steen is the Chief Financial Officer & Chief Strategy Officer for MainSpring and has been with the firm since 2014. With over 25 years of experience in strategy, consulting and communications, his expertise arms clients with the strategies, tools and resources to meet their mission. Ray is a proud dad and coach of 5 kids, a fantasy sports nut and bleeds for the Chicago Bears and Boston Celtics.

Articles by Ray Steen

3 Minute Read

Two Steps to Assess your Cybersecurity Posture

It’s October, which means leaves are changing, pumpkin spice is being doled out with reckless abandon and your household has probably already eaten two bags of candy that were supposed to be for...

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2 Minute Read

Why You Should Establish a BYOD Policy for Your Business

Progress. If you’re in the business world, you know that how much you make—and how quickly you make it—is often the barometer for success. That doesn’t mean it’s the only way to measure success, but...

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4 Minute Read

Getting on the Same Page with Strategic Plans

“What’s the plan?” Those who know me impersonate me with that phrase. I can’t help it. It’s in my blood. As a kid, that’s what I asked my four older sisters when I wanted to be entertained. I do the...

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4 Minute Read

Can You Save Money by Ignoring Cybersecurity?

Did you know that “CEO” had a different meaning in 1892? Back then, a company required a Chief Electrical Officer to oversee its electricity source due to the absence of a reliable power grid. Times...

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4 Minute Read

Passwords: Zombies of the Internet?

It seems there is a near constant evolution that takes place in regards to technology. Notable breakthroughs seem to happen in the industry every year, as consumerism empowers companies to spend...

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5 Minute Read

6 Ways Your Small Business Can Stop Being a Big Target

John Ambrose Fleming was set to unveil a wireless technology to the public that was sure to change the way they communicated. After investing his time and effort into planning the demonstration, the...

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