6 Reasons You Should Consider an Additional Spam Filter for Your Email

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As more and more organizations become reliant on their email to conduct business, cyber criminals are putting in overtime trying to access databases and find additional email addresses to exploit.

So, with cyberattacks and social engineering on the rise, you can bet that spam emails, malware and phishing messages aren’t going away any time soon. 

I know what you might be thinking…

My Microsoft Office 365 suite already has a built-in spam
filter for these things, so why do I need another?

The real question is, though, how reliable is it?

Yes, Office 365, and many other email suites, have an
anti-virus solution built into the system. However, most are designed with minimal
filter requirements. Additionally, it’s important to note that, once
configured, these out-of-the-box spam filters must take time to learn what is
and isn’t spam, which could potentially leave your organization at risk for an

The more you know, the more likely you are to consider using third-party spam filtering solution in addition to the out-of-the-box protection you already have. Below, we’ve compiled a list of six reasons why a third-party spam filter can save you and your organization time, money and peace of mind…

  1. They can be implemented quickly. They
    don’t need time to adapt or learn to differentiate between what is spam and
    what isn’t. They’re able to detect more complex attacks and immediately
    quarantine them using multi-layered threat protection.
  2. They provide accurate spam and unwanted email
     A third-party solution vets incoming emails before they
    reach your inbox. Only the emails that are deemed acceptable will travel to
    your email server.
  3. They recognize and filter emails that go
    If you have emails that you receive regularly, but never open (for
    various reasons), a third-party spam filter typically will recognize this and
    start filtering the unwanted content for you, so the nuisance never makes it to
    your inbox. This can ultimately save you time from deleting and unsubscribing
    to certain emails.
  4. They provide business continuity when email
    servers are offline.
     If your mail server goes down, many third-party
    email solutions allow you to access your email from their server. This can have
    tremendous upside, should you have an unexpected or lengthy server
  5. They provide dynamic protection from new
    While most out-of-the-box spam coverage remains static, third-party
    spam solutions typically use machine learning, or dynamic analysis, to detect
    new threats and quarantine them before they ever reach your inbox. 
  6. They protect you from a denial-of-service
    (DoS) attack.
     A DoS attack attempts to overload your systems with an
    overwhelming volume of requests. The objective is to bring your operation down
    and make you lose money. Since a third-party service vets your email before it
    ever arrives at your server, the attack is detected and thwarted.

What filter works best for email security and protection?

Now that you have a better understanding of the benefits of
an email filter, the question becomes: which one is best?

Besides Gartner naming Proofpoint as a leading vendor for email security, our experienced IT services team has also found that Proofpoint provides the most extensive protection for our clients and even ourselves.

MainSpring partners with Proofpoint Essentials to provide next generation email security to clients to keep their proprietary information safe.

Could your organization benefit from third-party email security?

If you’re interested in exploring what additional email
security could do for your organization, we encourage you to speak to your IT
department or your vCIO to assess the benefits!